TalkAwhile - The Folk Corporation Forum

TalkAwhile => Swarb => Topic started by: Thor-Rune on March 14, 2008, 11:16:02 AM

Title: Electric
Post by: Thor-Rune on March 14, 2008, 11:16:02 AM
Dave, I know you are mainly an acoustic performer these days, which is fine by me. I would guess your hearing problems prevent you from doing any extensive electric live work. But what about recording? If anyone came up to you and offered you the possibility to record a new electric album, would you be up for it?


Title: Re: Electric
Post by: Swarb on March 14, 2008, 04:51:29 PM
oh yes, I would certainly do it.Playing electric now is much different from the old days, the sound for instance can be created without the volume,and in a recording situation their would be no problems at all. On stage is a little trickier,generally in a group that is amplified the volume increases the longer you are on stage for some reason.I use an amplified fiddle for lazarus but I am wary of the monitors.wearing a hearing aid is imperitave for me, and the tiny speakers in them can only handle a limited amount of sound.there is no gadget that an electric fiddle uses that cannot be activated by an amplified one.