Title: Marillion Post by: YaBB Master (Colin) on August 01, 2017, 11:10:28 PM Please post reviews, reports and photos in this topic.
We encourage people to 'cut & paste' anything you write on social media, as posts here will be archived for a year, rather than being lost after a few hours. Please no 'hot-linking' or external links to anything that could just have been posted here. If you want to post photographs, read the 'About Photographs' topic. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Dan O. on August 13, 2017, 08:26:40 AM A fabulous set from the prog masters - very brave to play large chunks of their latest opus "F.E.A.R. - F*** Everyone And Run" in front of a festival crowd, bringing out the title track of their album "This Strange Engine" and finishing with "King" from 1995's "Afraid Of Sunlight". Frontman Steve "H" Hogarth wielding his electric cricket bat was a highlight too.
An acquired taste but one that I acquired long ago, so I'm beyond help... Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Adam on August 13, 2017, 08:43:37 AM Hmmm....not easy to access unless you were a die-hard fan. I thought that Steve Hogarth seemed high/drunk, and came across as a bit of a nobber. Sonically impressive sound, though.
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Ian_ on August 13, 2017, 11:17:14 AM I thought they were okay musically - though the lead singer was a complete prat. At least he had the good grace to tell himself to shut up :-\ Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Jim on August 13, 2017, 12:32:30 PM i just wonder why they baulk at playing Fish era material when much of their later stuff sounds musically very similar?
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Mitch on August 13, 2017, 12:43:22 PM Haven't really listened to Marillion since Fish left, but found it very pleasant to lie back in the sun (for most of the set) and let the sound wash over me. The choice to play long stuff was apparently because they played all of their short songs last time! Agree Steve Hogarth seemed a bit odd, but at least he was fairly self-depreciating about it.
Jim, much as I would have liked to hear some of the "old Stuff" it is nearly 30 years and over a dozen albums since Fish left, so I can't blame them too much for not playing any of it. EDIT: having gone away and checked, they do play some Fish-period songs at their equivalent of Cropredy... Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Collstoke (Ian) on August 13, 2017, 03:15:29 PM Enjoyed most of the stuff but Hogarth definitely seemed drunk
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Mitch on August 13, 2017, 03:49:47 PM P.S. My favourite tweet from those shown on the screens over the festival was "The food stall queue was so long it lasted half a Marillion song"
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: mickf on August 13, 2017, 03:51:20 PM Not my cup of tea, but they were good at what they do and seemed to please an awful lot of people, so that can't be bad.
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Will S on August 13, 2017, 03:56:37 PM Having enjoyed them last time they played, I was disappointed this time - probably because they had decided to play their long songs ('impenetrable sh*t', as the singer described them) instead of the shorter numbers they did last time. A mistake in my view. It pleased the Marillion-heads at the front, but having gone down their expecting to enjoy them again, I gave up after a few songs (i.e. about halfway through their set!). I think the vocals were actually clearer further back too, which didn't help me when I was at the front listening to stuff I couldn't even work out what it was supposed to be about!
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: PaulT on August 13, 2017, 06:37:23 PM ^-^
I recognised a couple of their numbers from last time (I think), but not really for me. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Tony Mc on August 13, 2017, 07:14:47 PM Couldn't stand them last time, but I like impenetrable s""t, so thought they were excellent. Long meandering sonic wave, brilliant. Steve H might be a nobber, but no more than Fish who was the biggest big head on the planet. I think more lead singers should be drunk, its funny!
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Albie on August 13, 2017, 08:10:02 PM Yep, I thought the singer was funny, I liked his jokes and comments. The music was good, but they aren't really my thing. I'd watch them again somewhere though, if our paths crossed one summer weekend.
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: David V B on August 13, 2017, 09:14:02 PM Enjoyed them last time but not this. It might have been th effect of the Moggies from Mars on before, but it all seemed samey and so my usual prog aversion kicked in.
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Glen S on August 13, 2017, 09:59:03 PM This was the third time I'd seen them...1984 in Oxford (Fish era) followed by a 30 year gap :o to Cropredy 2014... I enjoyed their set a lot, although "Easter" was the only song I was familiar with...Will definitely investigate further based on this...
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Andy on August 13, 2017, 10:05:11 PM i just wonder why they baulk at playing Fish era material when much of their later stuff sounds musically very similar? I thought the lead singer was unnecessarily foul mouthed and was unimpressed, overall. Other opinions have been stated, obviously, but for me they were sub-standard for this years Crops. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: issy on August 13, 2017, 10:06:21 PM What was all that about "farmers"????? ???
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Andy on August 13, 2017, 10:07:30 PM He said that Fairport were Farmers who couldn't pen a tune, I believe.
Um... Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Shane (Skirky) on August 13, 2017, 10:12:18 PM i just wonder why they baulk at playing Fish era material when much of their later stuff sounds musically very similar? Don't think so. They played most of Clutching at Straws at their annual (ahem) convention this year. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Poor Will (Bill) on August 13, 2017, 11:07:07 PM Enjoyed the music, especially Steve Rothery's guitar work but was rather bemused by Steve Hogarth's behaviour.
I notice their proposed signing session was cancelled too. I don't think it's difficult to guess why. I have a feeling they will not be making another return appearance. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Jim on August 14, 2017, 12:00:06 AM i just wonder why they baulk at playing Fish era material when much of their later stuff sounds musically very similar? Don't think so. They played most of Clutching at Straws at their annual (ahem) convention this year. the played kayliegh and a couple of others last time they played as a sop to the crowd Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Andy on August 14, 2017, 12:03:14 AM i just wonder why they baulk at playing Fish era material when much of their later stuff sounds musically very similar? Don't think so. They played most of Clutching at Straws at their annual (ahem) convention this year. the played kayliegh and a couple of others last time they played as a sop to the crowd Just part of their overall failure to satisfy, then. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Peter H on August 14, 2017, 07:52:13 AM Very disappointing. Having looked forward to seeing a band we last heard of over thirty years ago we were totally underwhelmed. Steve Hogarth's apparently drunken behaviour and foul mouth didn't help their case either. A waste of a good slot on the bil and we couldn't even go to the pub for fear of losing our spot.
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Malcolm on August 14, 2017, 08:33:00 AM Steve Hogarth's apparently drunken behaviour and foul mouth didn't help their case either. It can't be too difficult to include a clause in the performers' contracts about foul language. Break the rule and the sound gets cut. Cropredy used to be 'family friendly'. I remember back in the 80's a particularly poor performer (solo male, dressed in black, can't recall his name) swore a lot as part of his 'act' and was loudly booed from the moshpit. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Andy on August 14, 2017, 09:11:29 AM I remember the Hamsters' final, swear-filled Cropredy performance and they, too, were banished, never to return. Then there was the chap who did Zappa's Titties and Beer - haven't seen him back either.
However, having thought about it, high horses should not be climbed upon with regard to the swearing. Digance does it every year, Dougie Maclean effed and blinded (saying, with a clear misunderstanding of the crowd "we're all adults here"), the Pierce Brothers used the f word many times during their set. The difference is that we liked them. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Bingers (Chris) on August 14, 2017, 10:42:48 AM Disappointing. Saw them a load of times when Fish was leading them but a drunk Steve Hogarth (or whatever he was on) turned me right off and I don't think any of the Hogarth-era songs match the Fish-era songs.... so it was totally Fugazi ;)
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Danny_C on August 14, 2017, 11:14:17 AM There I walking back onto the site after seeing Leather Rat at the Brasenose (they was very good thank you for asking) when my high spirits were assailed by some terrible noises. Thinking this was a sound check or some feedback I strolled up to the beer tent for refreshment (it was very warm and it’s a very long walk back from the village so I needed hydration!), it was at this point the shear horror of what was happening hit me: I had come back during the Marillion set!
I do not like self-indulgent prog even it’s played well, and this was very sub-early Genesis at best. Long twiddly numbers meandered on for ages with no real effect The only interesting bit were the singer (I use the term loosely) going off on one which caused a slight smile. I retired to the back of the field and read a magazine till the nasty stuff was over. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Andy Tuck on August 14, 2017, 11:34:06 AM I am a prog fan, but Marillion manage to be everything that is bad about this genere. Can't see why they were ever invited back when there are so many better bands of this type. I accept that it has to be a known band, but the Enid or Focus would have been so much better.
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Bingers (Chris) on August 14, 2017, 11:45:06 AM I am a prog fan, but Marillion manage to be everything that is bad about this genere. Can't see why they were ever invited back when there are so many better bands of this type. I accept that it has to be a known band, but the Enid or Focus would have been so much better. Oh I totally agree and Focus are playing at The New Day festival in Kent in 2 weeks time Title: Re: Marillion Post by: StephenB on August 14, 2017, 11:51:51 AM I also was perplexed as to why they were brought back so soon. Three years ago I was waiting for a pleasant surprise but got totally underwhelmed, annoyed even, by the slimy arrogant prat of frontman. The good thing about this year is that it made the always difficult "which band to miss for a tent break" decision an easy one. It seems from what I'm reading here that nothing improved.
It's not the genre by the way. .. I loved Fish the year after. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: DarrenWilliams on August 14, 2017, 01:06:38 PM I agree Steve Hogarth did seem somewhat 'refreshed'. I did find him quite amusing, especially the bit about playing 'some impenetrable ***'. I think a lot of it was quite self-deprecating, but agree it wasn't suitable for a family audience. First time I've ever seen Marillion, and I'm only really familiar with the Fish era stuff, apart from a recent purchase of Brave in preparation for Cropredy (they didnt play anything from it!) and listening to their most recent album on Spotify. On the basis of that, and their performance, I'd definitely go and see them again.
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: davidmjs on August 14, 2017, 01:08:14 PM Afternoon swearing is a old complaint. Remember Buzzcocks?
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Herts Claire on August 14, 2017, 01:19:38 PM Afternoon swearing is a old complaint. Remember Buzzcocks? And the Bad Shepherds version of "All Around My Hat"? Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Barry on August 14, 2017, 01:42:04 PM I am a prog fan, but Marillion manage to be everything that is bad about this genere. Can't see why they were ever invited back when there are so many better bands of this type. I accept that it has to be a known band, but the Enid or Focus would have been so much better. Or Big Big Train with Jude guesting. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: davidmjs on August 14, 2017, 01:47:08 PM I am a prog fan, but Marillion manage to be everything that is bad about this genere. Can't see why they were ever invited back when there are so many better bands of this type. I accept that it has to be a known band, but the Enid or Focus would have been so much better. Does anybody actually know what the Enid even sound like these days? It's 3 youngsters now, isn't it, playing, er, God knows what? Title: Re: Marillion Post by: richardkendell on August 14, 2017, 05:06:59 PM I didn't like them the first time I saw them, I liked them less this time.
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: barryanorak (Julian) on August 14, 2017, 07:15:29 PM Not too sure where to start with this one...
Firstly, a couple of Australian brothers dropped the 'f' bomb in the same slot, the day before and yet they were just 'charming'... Secondly, on the subject of being 'refreshed' - a certain bass player, of our acquaintance, and by his own admittance, has not performed sober in living memory. Thirdly, I thought that Marillion were on top form - they were all clearly enjoying themselves, the banter may have gone down badly with some, but there are a lot of people with selective hearing - I have heard so many reports of what he said which bears no relation to what actually came out of his mouth. H is a performer, he inhabits the songs, so those who are complaining about him moving around too much, didn't watch him, or probably listen to him... But...Marillion have always been a Marmite band, Fish left them thirty years ago, although some people also seem to think that Fairport ended as a band in the early 70s. There is no way to make everyone happy. I absolutely loved it. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Paul on August 14, 2017, 10:40:20 PM I didn't enjoy them last time, and I thought that they were even worse this time.
Sorry, not my cup of tea; and I do like a lot of prog. Paul Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Tony Mc on August 15, 2017, 08:38:13 AM Not too sure where to start with this one... Firstly, a couple of Australian brothers dropped the 'f' bomb in the same slot, the day before and yet they were just 'charming'... Secondly, on the subject of being 'refreshed' - a certain bass player, of our acquaintance, and by his own admittance, has not performed sober in living memory. Thirdly, I thought that Marillion were on top form - they were all clearly enjoying themselves, the banter may have gone down badly with some, but there are a lot of people with selective hearing - I have heard so many reports of what he said which bears no relation to what actually came out of his mouth. H is a performer, he inhabits the songs, so those who are complaining about him moving around too much, didn't watch him, or probably listen to him... But...Marillion have always been a Marmite band, Fish left them thirty years ago, although some people also seem to think that Fairport ended as a band in the early 70s. There is no way to make everyone happy. I absolutely loved it. Well said. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: johanna/ulla on August 15, 2017, 12:41:38 PM I didn't like them the first time I saw them, I liked them less this time. Same here. The singer was overrefreshed, the songs were boring and I left the arena. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Bridgwit (Bridget) on August 15, 2017, 12:57:58 PM They were OK but that's all. Hogarth was drunk but delivered the goods as soon as he started singing, which is all that matters. Better than last time but not as good as Fish was the year after.
I couldn't care less about swearing as long as it's not delivered at me personally. I've seen Ben Folds too many times to worry about it! Title: Re: Marillion Post by: abby (tank girl) on August 15, 2017, 05:01:37 PM Disappointing. Saw them a load of times when Fish was leading them but a drunk Steve Hogarth (or whatever he was on) turned me right off and I don't think any of the Hogarth-era songs match the Fish-era songs.... so it was totally Fugazi ;) but it's a different band and has been for many years, i initially couldn't take to Hogarth because i'm a big fan of the Fish era Marillion and his solo stuff, but i kept listening and realised it was my issue..I've always said they shouldn't have kept the name......................I have loved seeing Marillion and Fish at Cropredy and elsewhere - but they are not the same thing. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Bingers (Chris) on August 15, 2017, 05:11:46 PM Disappointing. Saw them a load of times when Fish was leading them but a drunk Steve Hogarth (or whatever he was on) turned me right off and I don't think any of the Hogarth-era songs match the Fish-era songs.... so it was totally Fugazi ;) but it's a different band and has been for many years, i initially couldn't take to Hogarth because i'm a big fan of the Fish era Marillion and his solo stuff, but i kept listening and realised it was my issue..I've always said they shouldn't have kept the name......................I have loved seeing Marillion and Fish at Cropredy and elsewhere - but they are not the same thing. But they were the same thing and that's when I enjoyed seeing them. I realise that things have changed (except for Steve Rothery who remains an excellent guitarist) but all I was saying was that the 'new' band....albeit nearly 30 years old now...is not my cup of tea...just my view and I'm happy for anyone to like whatever they want to. So, like you, it is my issue :-[ Title: Re: Marillion Post by: abby (tank girl) on August 15, 2017, 05:18:02 PM Disappointing. Saw them a load of times when Fish was leading them but a drunk Steve Hogarth (or whatever he was on) turned me right off and I don't think any of the Hogarth-era songs match the Fish-era songs.... so it was totally Fugazi ;) but it's a different band and has been for many years, i initially couldn't take to Hogarth because i'm a big fan of the Fish era Marillion and his solo stuff, but i kept listening and realised it was my issue..I've always said they shouldn't have kept the name......................I have loved seeing Marillion and Fish at Cropredy and elsewhere - but they are not the same thing. But they were the same thing and that's when I enjoyed seeing them. I realise that things have changed (except for Steve Rothery who remains an excellent guitarist) but all I was saying was that the 'new' band....albeit nearly 30 years old now...is not my cup of tea...just my view and I'm happy for anyone to like whatever they want to. So, like you, it is my issue :-[ everything changes.....i wasn't there this year so can not comment on their show but i loved them last time. i'd love to see Fish do Clutching, I was very emotional to see Misplaced. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Bingers (Chris) on August 15, 2017, 05:30:52 PM Disappointing. Saw them a load of times when Fish was leading them but a drunk Steve Hogarth (or whatever he was on) turned me right off and I don't think any of the Hogarth-era songs match the Fish-era songs.... so it was totally Fugazi ;) but it's a different band and has been for many years, i initially couldn't take to Hogarth because i'm a big fan of the Fish era Marillion and his solo stuff, but i kept listening and realised it was my issue..I've always said they shouldn't have kept the name......................I have loved seeing Marillion and Fish at Cropredy and elsewhere - but they are not the same thing. But they were the same thing and that's when I enjoyed seeing them. I realise that things have changed (except for Steve Rothery who remains an excellent guitarist) but all I was saying was that the 'new' band....albeit nearly 30 years old now...is not my cup of tea...just my view and I'm happy for anyone to like whatever they want to. So, like you, it is my issue :-[ everything changes.....i wasn't there this year so can not comment on their show but i loved them last time. i'd love to see Fish do Clutching, I was very emotional to see Misplaced. That was the last time I actually saw Fish and Marillion as I was regrettably absent from Cropredy during their previous respective appearances (think the Clutching at Straws tour was 1984 and I saw them at Hammersmith Odeon....God I'm getting old). Guess I too am emotional about those halcyon days :) Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Russell Dobbins on August 15, 2017, 08:08:26 PM "Prog masters". No, sorry, I don't think so. If we're talking giants of Brit prog rock then ELP (RIP Emerson and Lake), Gabriel-era Genesis, Yes and Jethro Tull would be up there.
Best Russell Title: Re: Marillion Post by: abby (tank girl) on August 15, 2017, 10:11:26 PM i am a big Tull fan but i haven't seen them play well live since i was pregnant and she is now 19 yrs old.
they are played regularly at home. there is a time to quit. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Mike Tamlin on August 16, 2017, 12:37:52 AM I'm a dyed-in-the-wool 'Marillion-head' so rushed down for a place in the 'mosh pit' leaving the better half, a definite Fish-era only fan, behind up the hill.
For me, their set was one of the best of the weekend. However, I fully understand why they would not be to everyone's taste ... ... and I too am somewhat bemused by 'H's' behaviour - he was worse in 2014 - but he was the same when I saw them in Cardiff last year - go figure ... Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Nick on August 16, 2017, 11:08:49 AM I've not really paid much attention to Marillion for the last 30 years or so - not due to any Fish/Hogarth thing, just changing circumstance and musical taste (I had my record collection nicked as a student and I only replaced about 10% of the albums I'd owned previously). Up until then I'd been quite a fan - if you look carefully you can see me in the Hooks In You Video, and I'm quite prominent in the Live at Lorelley film 8)
I thought this set was brilliant. It has made me want to investigate the back catalogue and catch up with stuff I've missed. And I enjoyed Steve Hogarth's meandering madness; hats off to him! Cheers Nick Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Poor Will (Bill) on August 16, 2017, 11:50:49 AM I can't seem to find it now, but someone on Facebook had shared a posting Steve Hogarth had put up stating that he woke up in a cold sweat in the early hours after the gig realising what a prat he had been onstage. He did seem to be genuinely remorseful!
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Jim on August 16, 2017, 12:38:38 PM I can't seem to find it now, but someone on Facebook had shared a posting Steve Hogarth had put up stating that he woke up in a cold sweat in the early hours after the gig realising what a prat he had been onstage. He did seem to be genuinely remorseful! he needs to lay off the pop before going onstage then Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Keith on August 16, 2017, 12:53:43 PM Took to front of that stage with prog-fan child, and we both thoroughly enjoyed the show, despite an uber-fan waving his arms over us, and a very drunk woman desperately needing a wee for most of the set. I commented after that I hadn't really known any of the songs, but had probably enjoyed it all the more for discovering more of Marillion's ouvre - will definitely be buying their latest album now.
Steve Hogarth may have appeared "refreshed" but he also loves performing at Cropredy, and has a wicked sense of humour, which really came over near the stage. Admittedly they are a fans band without the hits, but cannot be faulted for the quality of their playing, Steve's singing, and the depth of their lyrics. I go to Cropredy to hear new things, and they delivered :) Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Shankly (Peter) on August 16, 2017, 01:20:33 PM will definitely be buying their latest album now. I'd highly recommend it - it's an excellent album. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: DarrenWilliams on August 16, 2017, 01:24:16 PM will definitely be buying their latest album now. I'd highly recommend it - it's an excellent album. Agreed. I've been listening to a fair bit of post-Fish Marillion in preparation for Cropredy. I'd also recommend Brave and Marbles. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Keith on August 16, 2017, 01:45:52 PM will definitely be buying their latest album now. I'd highly recommend it - it's an excellent album. Agreed. I've been listening to a fair bit of post-Fish Marillion in preparation for Cropredy. I'd also recommend Brave and Marbles. Got Marbles. Angelina makes me feel all existential :o Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Keith on August 16, 2017, 04:44:08 PM I can't seem to find it now, but someone on Facebook had shared a posting Steve Hogarth had put up stating that he woke up in a cold sweat in the early hours after the gig realising what a prat he had been onstage. He did seem to be genuinely remorseful! This is the full quote: "First of all, I apologise for the language. I did wake up in the middle of the night on Saturday in a cold sweat over some of the things I’d said from the stage. You’re right - I could have done without resorting to the f word quite so much. I live fairly local to the village of Cropredy and quite a few of my friends are farmers, so those comments were meant in fun and in their direction. I received texts later from one or two of them and they took my jibes in the spirit I had meant them" But given Fairport wrote the Sailor's Alphabet (the proper version), it's a moot point :D Title: Re: Marillion Post by: medler (Neil) on August 17, 2017, 04:27:28 PM I can't seem to find it now, but someone on Facebook had shared a posting Steve Hogarth had put up stating that he woke up in a cold sweat in the early hours after the gig realising what a prat he had been onstage. He did seem to be genuinely remorseful! This is the full quote: "First of all, I apologise for the language. I did wake up in the middle of the night on Saturday in a cold sweat over some of the things I’d said from the stage. You’re right - I could have done without resorting to the f word quite so much. I live fairly local to the village of Cropredy and quite a few of my friends are farmers, so those comments were meant in fun and in their direction. I received texts later from one or two of them and they took my jibes in the spirit I had meant them" But given Fairport wrote the Sailor's Alphabet (the proper version), it's a moot point :D Fair play to him for putting that up. At least he realises it! Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Diggers71 on August 17, 2017, 10:49:06 PM Disappointing. Saw them a load of times when Fish was leading them but a drunk Steve Hogarth (or whatever he was on) turned me right off and I don't think any of the Hogarth-era songs match the Fish-era songs.... so it was totally Fugazi ;) but it's a different band and has been for many years, i initially couldn't take to Hogarth because i'm a big fan of the Fish era Marillion and his solo stuff, but i kept listening and realised it was my issue..I've always said they shouldn't have kept the name......................I have loved seeing Marillion and Fish at Cropredy and elsewhere - but they are not the same thing. But they were the same thing and that's when I enjoyed seeing them. I realise that things have changed (except for Steve Rothery who remains an excellent guitarist) but all I was saying was that the 'new' band....albeit nearly 30 years old now...is not my cup of tea...just my view and I'm happy for anyone to like whatever they want to. So, like you, it is my issue :-[ everything changes.....i wasn't there this year so can not comment on their show but i loved them last time. i'd love to see Fish do Clutching, I was very emotional to see Misplaced. Fish is touring with Clutching... at the end of the year. Perhaps he will make a Cropredy appearance next year? I hope so/ Title: Re: Marillion Post by: vince42 on August 17, 2017, 11:05:00 PM I enjoyed the set up to a point but did find the first half or so quite repetitive style wise. As a long term Fish fan I've not gone out of my way to see the band so I suppose I can mark this up as completed business. Fine musicians and Mr Hogarth has a fine voice - unfortunately it just doesn't move me. I guess I like a different kind of self indulgence...
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Roy C on August 17, 2017, 11:11:22 PM Being a Fish-era fan, was open to enjoying the new album stuff live. Sadly Hogarth's antics rather put me off the whole thing. Felt he let down the rest of the band who did a fine job, as well as the big Marillion fans in my party. A real shame.
As an aside, I would recommend the tribute band Stillmarillion who do Fish-era Marillion extremely well. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: abby (tank girl) on August 18, 2017, 01:51:12 AM Why see a Fish/Marillion tribute band when Fish and the original members are out there doing it? I find that very disrespectful to each original member .
I feel strongly about this, both the original line up, Fish solo and Marillion are credible and worth listening to. (But they should have not kept the name). No one will sing the original albums like Fish. But Fish has not been in Marillion for a very long time. I do feel strongly about this with Fish era Marillion being very precious to me , many memories, I had a fish earring and I painted my own leather jacket and tobacco tin with the jester.. I utterly rejected Hogarth and went to see Fish solo.. . Until I heard Hogarth Marillion sort of subliminally and had to ask what it was. Now I love it. Seeing Fish do Misplaced was so emotional and I intend to see him do Clutching. But I love seeing Hogarth's sets almost as much now. He has the same intensity and insanity Fish had. Nobody moaned Fish was pished. And he was. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Penguin (Dunc) on August 18, 2017, 01:49:06 PM Why see a Fish/Marillion tribute band when Fish and the original members are out there doing it? I find that very disrespectful to each original member I think the band are quite happy about Stillmarillion - I've seen Mark Kelly play keyboards with them on a couple of songs, and the vocalist, Martin Jakubski, joins Steve Rothery when he goes out on a solo tour to sing during the second half of the gig. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: abby (tank girl) on August 18, 2017, 03:04:41 PM Why see a Fish/Marillion tribute band when Fish and the original members are out there doing it? I find that very disrespectful to each original member I think the band are quite happy about Stillmarillion - I've seen Mark Kelly play keyboards with them on a couple of songs, and the vocalist, Martin Jakubski, joins Steve Rothery when he goes out on a solo tour to sing during the second half of the gig. I suppose, they're getting on a bit and it gives them a night off lol Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Roy C on August 18, 2017, 11:45:33 PM Why see a Fish/Marillion tribute band when Fish and the original members are out there doing it? I find that very disrespectful to each original member . I feel strongly about this, both the original line up, Fish solo and Marillion are credible and worth listening to. (But they should have not kept the name). No one will sing the original albums like Fish. But Fish has not been in Marillion for a very long time. I do feel strongly about this with Fish era Marillion being very precious to me , many memories, I had a fish earring and I painted my own leather jacket and tobacco tin with the jester.. I utterly rejected Hogarth and went to see Fish solo.. . Until I heard Hogarth Marillion sort of subliminally and had to ask what it was. Now I love it. Seeing Fish do Misplaced was so emotional and I intend to see him do Clutching. But I love seeing Hogarth's sets almost as much now. He has the same intensity and insanity Fish had. Nobody moaned Fish was pished. And he was. Abby, we can certainly agree that the Fish-era material is precious, like you say many memories, and seeing Fish do Misplaced a couple of years back made my eyes go watery. Fish doing Clutching will be great, and I don't think they should have kept the name either! Its great you enjoy Marillion's new stuff too - sadly I have yet to get into it much, so we will have to agree to differ there ;) . In terms of why see a Fish-era tribute band, from what I have seen neither Fish nor Marillion perform much of that material routinely. Why should they? They parted company decades ago and have got plenty of more recent material to put into a normal 2ish -hour set. It is unreasonable of me to expect to hear much/any of it at all from Fish or Marillion at their normal gigs these days - there was none last weekend for example. So I don't agree Fish and the original members are out there doing it much, they are understandibly doing their respective newer stuff instead. Then along comes Stillmarillion, a Fish-era tribute band who are passionate about those first few albums, and play to an audience who, like us, know the music note for note and word for word. They couldn't get away with making a hash of it so don't, and we get all damp-eyed and sing ourselves hoarse. With the links between members of Stillmarillion and Marillion as they are, I don't sense any disrespect at all, quite the reverse in fact. With the music being so special to me, I had misgivings about them before I saw them - like going back to an old ex, or revisiting somewhere that you remember from your childhood. Happily I needn't have worried, they are as good as I dared hope. So I understand any reservations, but I do hope you get to see Stillmarillion at some point. I don't think you will be disappointed and suspect you'll be emotional, and croaky the next day - just like me :) All the best whatever you do Roy Title: Re: Marillion Post by: abby (tank girl) on August 19, 2017, 04:40:27 AM Thanks Roy, that's a lovely post and has made me realise think a little. X
Abby Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Roy C on August 20, 2017, 01:06:25 AM You're very kind, thank you.
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Jim on August 20, 2017, 08:59:22 AM Roy C,
Love Shotgun Wedding, I didn't know you were still around. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Nick Reg on August 20, 2017, 11:27:23 AM I went back to the van for a salad.
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Albie on August 21, 2017, 02:25:07 PM I went back to the van for a salad. Any Fish in it? Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Yorkshire Chris on August 22, 2017, 09:28:35 AM I went back to the van for a salad. Any Fish in it? Or was it just very Kale-y..... Sorry. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Roy C on August 23, 2017, 08:25:17 PM [/quote]
Or was it just very Kale-y..... Sorry. [/quote] Is it too late to say you're sorry? ;) Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Roy C on August 23, 2017, 08:27:10 PM Roy C, Love Shotgun Wedding, I didn't know you were still around. Was puzzled and did some Googling - I am not the Roy C you are thinking of... sorry! I learn something new every day! Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Jim on August 23, 2017, 09:41:17 PM Roy C, Love Shotgun Wedding, I didn't know you were still around. Was puzzled and did some Googling - I am not the Roy C you are thinking of... sorry! I learn something new every day! How very disappointing,. We are in desperate need of more 60's soul singers round these parts O0 Title: Re: Marillion Post by: bassline (Mike) on September 01, 2017, 03:08:50 PM I didn't enjoy this set as much as the previous one by them - I think Fish spoiled it a bit. The last time I was persuaded that my 'If there's no Fish it's not Marillion' opinion was unfounded, and I got a hold of some of the Hogarth era stuff and liked it, but I didn't quite connect this time. I still need to hear Sugar Mice live by one of them, preferably Fish, but it was OK.
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Mitch on September 02, 2017, 11:45:58 AM As an aside, I would recommend the tribute band Stillmarillion who do Fish-era Marillion extremely well. Thanks for the recommendation - love the name, very clever, though looking at their website the logo looks like a womble dressed as the jester... Title: Re: Marillion Post by: Poor Will (Bill) on September 02, 2017, 07:11:24 PM I didn't enjoy this set as much as the previous one by them - I think Fish spoiled it a bit. The last time I was persuaded that my 'If there's no Fish it's not Marillion' opinion was unfounded, and I got a hold of some of the Hogarth era stuff and liked it, but I didn't quite connect this time. I still need to hear Sugar Mice live by one of them, preferably Fish, but it was OK. Title: Re: Marillion Post by: peterh13 on December 12, 2018, 04:58:46 PM A recording of the Marillion concert from the Royal Albert Hall in 2017 will be shown on German broadcaster 3Sat on New Years Eve at 8:30 their time, so 9:30am here. Can be received on Astra1 satellite (19.2deg E) in SD and HD
Title: Re: Marillion Post by: StephenB on December 12, 2018, 05:47:26 PM When I saw the topic notification my heart sank and i thought, "Oh no, they haven't gone and booked them again". Phew!
Enjoy the recording 🙂 |