fat Billy(Bill)
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2005, 07:48:33 PM » |
Walton Folk festival 2005
It’s a sunny September weekend so we decided to amble down to the seaside at Walton. We have been to the festival as day trippers before but this time we decided to camp. On arrival at the Martello tower site we were greeted by the friendly stewards and given a pitch on the small camping area in front of the caravan park, sadly when inspecting the loo’s we were a bit disappointed, our elderly neighbor reckoned that they had not been cleaned since last year, also I thought that the residents of the caravan site were part of the entertainment bedecked in baseball caps and track bottoms and swearing like troopers at their children, so with some conflicting thoughts in our minds we pitched the tents had tea and headed for folk central, The Royal Marine (home of the Millbay folk club and all-round good pub). Now it should be said that Walton is a bit different from the average festival in that although the main gigs are held in the Ballroom at the Martello caravan site (Chav central) loads of other events are held around Walton in pubs and halls and in the streets. On Friday in the Royal marine was a string of acts so we started off there. First up were the Royal Marine shanty crew a splendid bunch of chaps who are all bigger than me so I am going to be careful, and in fine voice too. We had decided to go over to the Queens Head to see our old pal Duncan McFarlaine, as we arrived Duncan was singing alternate songs with another chap whose name I did not get who was accompanied by a guitarist, well we had a splendid evening, despite the pub not being too keen on the folk, at 10 o clock they turned the juke box on and we retired to the restaurant and drowned it out. On Saturday morning I went to a singing workshop at the Royal Marine which was great, after this I strolled down the seafront to the Bath House (a pub not a bath) To enjoy some lunchtime sounds, I caught the last couple of numbers from a lad called Chris Smyth who I thought was excellent, he was followed by a grizzled old campaigner called Roy Mette a chap from saffend who’s laid back blues delivered in rusty voice and accompanied by great understated guitar was perfect for lunchtime by the sea, should you get the chance to see this guy take it he’s great. After partaking of lunch we went up to Walton library where Chris Smyth was playing, we were waylaid by several Morris sides on the way but arrived for the start. This young chap is a real find playing self penned songs and playing guitar and harmonica I think he will go far, check him out. Saturday evening saw us in the Wellington suite at the caravan site, having been told that Big Jon Fitzgerald (the Guv’nor) had climbed over the shower doors and taken the locks off (cos they had lost the keys) and there was hot water. So clean and scrubbed we took our seats for the evening. First up were cave who are on the heavy Metal side of folk rock, they took a bit of time to get going and had just got warmed up when they came off, shame I was warming to them their music has shades of early Fairport mixed in with all sorts of other things and I enjoyed the physcadelic style solos. The “not the old rope string band” were next, sadly missing Joe Scurfield, the band were doing this short tour as a tribute to Joe and I was touched. Next up was the Duncan McFarlane band, the full electric article, and boy did they rock, Dunc nearly fell off the stage twice cos he was bounding about so much, a fine bunch of musicians playing some great tunes, good stuff I nearly didn’t get another beer till they finished. Last up were the demon Barber big band, more rock this time Norfolk style, although I have never seen clog dancers in Norfolk it was a fine sight to see two such lovely young ladies in such short skirts. This was fine fare to end the evening with and seemed to be enjoyed by all. Sunday Morning dawned bright and sunny the night had passed remarkably quietly, this must be the quietist festival campsite I have ever stayed on despite Chav central next door (during the last act the chav kids of 9 or 10 though it was fun to push the centre doors open and shout “Wa**ers” at the band till the stewards stopped them) After decamping we wandered to the Bath house again (via several Morris sides) to see a duo called Hofners, excellent 20’s and 30’s jazz and blues again just right for a sunny lunch time, all the locals joined in and we had a whale of a session. The afternoon saw us back in the Wellington suite to see Harriet Bartlett, a young lady with a piano accordion, she has a beautiful voice and told some lovely stories, sadly I can only say that she is an incredibly skilled played cos piano accordion really doesn’t float my own particular boat but if you like it go and see this lady she plays like an angel. Next up Duncan McFarlane, solo this time, always a bargain I’m a bit biased about this bloke so go and see him yourself, fine self penned songs and a rather good monologue about computer dating, Oh yeah he a bit of a guitarist too. Well what can I say about Martin Carthy that others have not said before, he’s the daddy, fine traditional fare from Martin, although he looked a little train logged. This is a nice little festival especially if you have family members who may not be as keen as yourself on the music. At times a little odd, cos as it’s not all on one site you rub shoulder with day trippers and estuary trailer trash which can be a little weird. The quality of the acts is great and quite diverse, and the people and pubs of Walton are very welcoming (and the beers Great). I understand that next years bash may be in doubt so this is a festival that needs your support. So how about a couple of days at the seaside next year? We’ll see ya there.