One other piece of news from last nights gig in Lewes. Many of you will know of our friend, the lovely Anna Esslemont, fiddle player and singer with Uiscedwr.
You may also be aware that she is suffering from a terrible disease called Aplastic Anaemia and is about to undergo a Bone Marrow transplant operation next month, which is the only known cure for this condition. I'm sure you will want to join me, in wishing Anna all the best.
Anyway during the interval at last nights show, Bob the organiser of the gig, held an auction to raise money in aid of The Aplastic Anaemia Trust. Fairport donated £100 worth of goods off their merchandise desk, plus 2 tickets for Cropredy 2007. These goodies were eagerly snapped up and raised £150 . So a huge well done to everyone concerned.
And, I've not finished yet, listen to this folks,
Bob is also running an on line auction of many more music related must have goodies, items that have kindly been donated by many of folk's finest. Including Show of Hands, Steeleye Span, Fairport and Ashley Hutchins,
You can view these items and indeed bid for anything that takes your fancy at Click on Future Shows then scroll down the page until you find the auction items.
The auction will close on Sunday December 17th (final bids at 10.00pm (22.00h)
All proceeds will go to the same worthy cause. The Aplastic Anaemia Trust, so get bidding. Sure beats trudging round the shops to do your Christmas shopping and you wont fine these items in any high street stores.
If a moderator thinks this item should have a different home, then please feel free to move it where ever you feel fit. Thank you.