Meandering is allowed but within reason. The Arms is a little more liberal about this but meandering is not encouraged in the Music parts of Talkawhile. People use TAW as a reference and it becomes impossible to find things if the content doesn't match the subject.
Meandering like this is also a bit rude to the person who started a topic. Maybe they asked a particular question or maybe they wanted to talk about a particular thing. it's not fair on them if you choose to use their topic to talk about something different. In this thread Bob asked an interesting and difficult question which is worthy of some discussion and focus. I think it is worth keeping this thread on topic.
If you want to talk about Elvis, start a topic about Elvis and talk there.
If we did not call things as off-topic every now and then, then every thread on Talkawhile would end up on the subjects of Cr
ocs, The Who or Chris Leslie's hair
and that, in my opinion, would make it a horrible place to be.