That was possibly one of, if not THE best FC gigs I've been to. The onstage banter was great and the whole gig had a very intimate feel to it. As Katy's Mum said, it was a warm, friendly place. Simon even said it was the friendliest venue on the tour so far (and the best food!). I think the band really did enjoy themselves. The set list was as earlier, with the omission of The Rose Hip. The sound was a bit dodgy in places, but the new sound guy has got to get used to the band I suppose. Hiring Fair and Cell Song were incredible - you couldn't hear a pin drop. I think several people had to wipe a tear away at the end of Cell Song (including some people on the stage). Also, it was great to hear Portmeirion, the song that got me into Fairport, especially as my teacher who played it to me was there! We told Ric afterwards, and he seemed genuinly pleased that we'd told him. (I also asked him about the RULTS re-union. He said it looks unlikely, as some aren't available, but he'd really really love to do it live again).
And I got a mention from the stage
Really, it was only an e-mail.... ok, several e-mails
But I think well worth it. Fantastic gig and we have managed to convert my Dad's friend. Well, I guess he liked it, as he came home withe a signed copy of SoO and the latest DVD! Really can't wait for Cropredy now.