Well, the release date is listed as Feb 7th, but I ordered it from Talking Elephant, and it has turned up this morning! Haven't listened to it yet (though I will soon). But I can reveal that there are only 5 tracks repeated from the original Saturday Rolling Around album, together with Cut Across Shorty from the 1997 reunion which was previously released on The Cropredy Box.
And unlike TE's usual reputation this actually has a very informative booklet including Nigel Schofield's notes about how he has chosen which performance to include, and what he did to clean up the Broughton Castle tracks.
No sign of mine from TE today but that may be hardly surprising as I only seem to get one postal delivery per week these days. Hopefully soon though.
I don't know if mine arriving early might have been because I also ordered a couple of other albums at the same time -
Two's Up Two by Simon Care and Gareth Turner, which I'm enjoying as I write, and Dorie Jackson's
Stupid Says Run, which is lined up for next. I'm a big fan of Kaprekar's Constant, with whom she sings, and this was written and recorded with most of KC, so should be good too.