« on: December 13, 2008, 11:02:03 AM » |
First night at Maidenhead Norden Farm last night - what a fabulous performance, now I do feel in the Christmas mood. Beautiful songs, excellent playing, stand in guest Guy Fletcher - performed a Morris dance whilst fiddling (great cheers!). Ashley, Simon and Kellie all on great form, a lovely warm evening including stories & sing-a-longs, including In The Bleak Midwinter (Yes!!). Pity they didn't include The Holly & The Ivy but there's always next year.
Many thanks to Ashley, Simon, Kellie & Guy.
Oh, yes and we were graced by the presence of the winners of the BBC Radio 2 Young Folk Award - Megan & Joe Henwood.
What a night!! Happy Christmas all xx
Anne T
I'm obviously missing the point here
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Posts: 281
Loc: Berkshire
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2008, 01:12:04 PM » |
Just echoing what Joss said, really. It was a lovely evening, and Guy Fletcher was a superb stand-in. If Ashley was to be believed, they had only started rehearsing that afternoon, but it didn't show!
This year there were quite a few songs that were beautiful but bleak: I'm not sure what they were all called, but they really suited Kellie's voice. And the best bit of the evening (for me) was her singing a famous not-at-all Christmassy song from the 80s, with fabulous guitar from Simon - won't say what it was, so as not to spoil it for others who are going.
We had three songs from Megan and Joe Henwood; guitar and sax an unusual combination perhaps, but he played it very sensitively so as not to drown out her vocals. She was very excited about the festival appearances they will do as a result of winning the Folk Award - good luck to them.
And as an aside (as I have noticed that there are lots of people discussing Chris Leslie's hair on another thread), Simon's beard has grown rather luxuriantly since Cropredy. Could this be an attempt to balance the total amount of hair owned by members of FC?
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2008, 05:09:40 PM » |
Any possibility of having the spoiler button for those who would like to keep the surprises as surprises 
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2008, 05:14:09 PM » |
I could be the catalyst that sparks the revolution, I could be an inmate in a long-term institution ...
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2008, 08:13:31 PM » |
Hitchin Are REALLY going for the xmas gold this year, by having Aggies tomorrow and Albions next Sunday. So I get to be treated with a gig on solstice.
Mortlake "Obsidian Mirror" streaming now.
Jack Westwood
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Posts: 80
Loc: Glasgow
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2008, 05:15:06 PM » |
Well, Buxton (yes, a Glaswegian on tour in Derbyshire...) was a treat. If that Kellie While isn't a singer then...well...I'll go to the foot of our stairs. Ashley well-versed as always, Simon C was digitally excellent and always nice to see Santa on stage at this time of year. Even if I did lose my gloves in Pizza Express.... However, back in the warming bosom of Glasgow again...ahh..... Merry Christmas All !!! Jack
We had an argument the other night - all because she said I didn't open the car door for her. She said I panicked and swam out my side first....
Nick Reg
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2008, 08:42:28 PM » |
Tomorrow for us, if anyone fancies an after gig beverage we only live half a mile from the venue.
There's a man with a mullet going mad with a mallet in Millets
Simon Care
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2008, 02:14:16 PM » |
Hi Jack, I don't remember you having gloves in Pizza Express,,,,,thought you had Pizza Al Fungi Good to see ya Simon
colin h
Sr. Member
Posts: 311
Loc: 'aartfordsher
life's a long song
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2008, 04:19:12 PM » |
Hitchin certainly do have some class acts.
I also wanted to see the Albions this Sunday, but tickets sell out so fast, and I can't predict that far in the future, that I often miss out.
I expect the Steve Knightly tickets (Feb 1st) have already gone !
You can tell a builder from an archaeologist by the size of his trowel. Mine is a small one!
Jack Westwood
Full Member
Posts: 80
Loc: Glasgow
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2008, 11:35:30 PM » |
Ithangyew, Simon!! Most impressed at the dancing and playing business!! See you at the Jamaican Burns' Night. Best wishes for the rest of the tour...keep safe. And many thanks for Monday night. S. Sock, Esq.
We had an argument the other night - all because she said I didn't open the car door for her. She said I panicked and swam out my side first....
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2008, 12:43:34 AM » |
As much as I love the Aggies, the Albions must be of great importance as they actually feature Santa 
Mortlake "Obsidian Mirror" streaming now.
Ironic Hooverer
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Posts: 454
Loc: Leafy Warwickshire
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2008, 03:14:45 PM » |
Wonderful night at Worcester on Saturday with an extended lineup featuring Kellie, Ashley, both Simons and Guy. Musically, the melodeon and fiddle really complemented each other and the quality of the whole Albion Christmas package is amazing, particularly when you think that they only get together for a fortnight very year!
At least we've got the CD to tide us over 'til next year.
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2008, 11:11:55 PM » |
We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves last night at the Gulbenkian Theatre, which is a lovely little venue which boasts free parking just outside the door, good views of the stage from all of the comfy seats and a pleasant bar serving good food.
The Albions played to a packed house with a good mix of old and new songs, tunes and readings. We were treated to a brilliant rendition of The Frozen Man which is on the new CD and their superb version of Mad World with the mix of Kelly’s voice and Simon’s guitar was just awesome, bringing tears to my eyes.
The guys were on exceptionally good form, especially Simon N and his ever expanding beard and Simon C, who managed to dance his way around his pipes without disturbing any, yet again managing to retain the money in his wallet for another year! Dennis was very envious of Ashley’s fab new retro Danelectro Bass and Kelly’s voice was as magical as ever.
I am so glad the Albion Christmas Band made it to Kent at last and hope they continue to do so for many years to come. Thank you guys for a brilliant night and we wish you all a very Merry Christmas.
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« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2008, 12:23:02 AM » |
That's pretty much what my lot said. I didn't make it  - thought it best not to cough all the way through. Katy was particularly impressed by a poem called Sleet - very evocative she said but cannot remember the name of the author.
« Reply #14 on: December 24, 2008, 12:43:20 AM » |
Fantastic night at Hitchin on sunday. It's the first time I've seen them in 3 years, and I'd forgotten how great they were. A Very different night to last sunday when I saw the aggies. But I enjoyed it very much and, as usual took a couple of pictures which I'm gonna attempt to put on here
Mortlake "Obsidian Mirror" streaming now.
I've Got A Bike
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I was a fair young curate then.
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2008, 11:27:12 AM » |
Which Danelectro bass was it? I'm a great Danelectro fan, and like the Longhorn models. Unfortunately the new versions are not the same as the originals, as they don't have the 36 fret necks.
« Reply #16 on: December 24, 2008, 12:10:43 PM » |
It was the Dano 63 longscale bass in aqua would have taken a photo, but I only managed to take the one before a lady came bounding down the aisle to tell me off for taking photos 
« Reply #17 on: January 01, 2009, 04:38:02 PM » |
I discovered the poet who wrote Sleet - Norman MacCaig - it was written underneath the CD so it couldn't be seen when the CD was in its case The first snow was sleet It swished heavily out of the cloud, black enough to hold snow It was fine in the wind but couldn't bear to touch anything solid It died a pauper's death Now snow, it grins like a maniac in the moon It puts a glove on your face It stops gaps It catches your eye and your breath It settles down ponderously crushing trees with its airy ounces But today it was sleet Dissolving spiders on cheekbones Being melting spit on the glass Smudging the mind that humped itself by the fire Turning away from the ill-wind The sky filthily weepingVery good, I thought.
Swedes stun easily
Folkcorp Guru
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Loc: Skärhamn, Sweden
"Always look on the bright side of life..."
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2009, 08:06:41 AM » |
With the Aggies tour schedule for the 2009 Christmas Tour up and running, does anyone know if the Albions Christmas band tour dates for 2009 are fixed and available somewhere. There´s a hope that we could dash over this December to catch the Aggies live and an Albion show in the vicinity could make us stay a day or too longer to catch them too!
" -Just a roll, just a roll..."
" -I was 16 now and full of life..."