A Dead Giveaway
Earlier this year I had occasion to burn a few shows for someone looking for an introduction to the Dead's live oeuvre.
While doing so, for some reason unclear to me now, I burned two copies of each show & the second set are just sitting on the shelf taking up space.
As it's the season to be jolly & all that, I'm happy to offer these extra shows to anyone interested, no catch, no cost, just allowing me the buzz of sharing music from a band that has given me such pleasure for the last 45 odd years.
To make it a bit fairer, in the unlikely event of there being multiple responses, I'll wait a couple of days & draw a name on 25th. Please PM me off list.
Here's the skinny on what's available. (Some shows were given a limited official release, but all are now out of print) These were chosen as being fairly representative of my own taste, but every Deadhead, I suspect, would make different choices
1) Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, Ca. 18th November 1966 (Cream Puff War boot)
An old school boot transferred to a single CD. Not to everyone's taste, but I love the sparkling energy of this early recording. This show is almost complete, only missing Dancing In The Streets.
2) The Mosque, Richmond, Va. 25th May 1977 (Dave's Picks Vol 1) x 3CD
There are so many good shows from this tour it was a fairly random choice based on a set list containing lots of personal favourites.
3) Hartford Civic Center, Hartford, Ct. 14th October 1983 (Dick's Picks Vol 6) x 3CD
To my ears, much 80s stuff is not as engaging as other periods, but this show has a sprinkling of newer material & a terrific 2nd disc.
4) Capitol Theatre, Port Chester, NY. 18th February 1971 (This Had Better Be Good boot) 2CD
Another good, old fashioned bootleg, not an official release. This is a bit special as it contains the first outings of Bertha, Greatest Story Ever Told, Johnny B. Goode, Loser, Playin' & Wharf Rat. The following night is probably better known as it was released as “Three From The Vault”.
5) Ohio Theatre, Columbus Oh, 31st October 1971 (Dick's Picks Vol 2) x1CD
Thought another Dark Star was in order. This is a great rendering from a curiously truncated Dick's Picks
6) Great American Music Hall, San Francisco, Ca. 13th August 1975 x2CD
Classic show, originally broadcast on FM & widely bootlegged in shortened form. This is the full concert showcasing the then still unreleased Blues For Allah material, a lot of which , although performed here, did not survive into the repertoire long term. Nice quality, great performance & released as One From The Vault
As Bill Graham said (approximately): "The Dead ain't the best at what they do, they're the only ones who do what they do"
Season's Greetings one & all.