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Author Topic: Fairport Chatter  (Read 1366384 times)
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Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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« Reply #2280 on: January 26, 2025, 06:38:34 PM »

Well spotted!  Yes, it is...

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« Reply #2281 on: January 27, 2025, 03:43:51 AM »

There's a very handsome chap in the audience centre screen at 0.55.  

Well I never did..
Dan O.
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« Reply #2282 on: January 27, 2025, 09:00:27 AM »

That's an extended trailer for the Fairport @ Forty DVD...

The year they tried to make "Best Wishes" the new "Meet On The Ledge".
Lovely song as it is, nothing against it, but the audience basically said, "We're quite happy with the old Meet On The Ledge, thank you."
Not sure if they've played it since 2007...

* fairportat40dvd.jpg (90.22 KB, 599x406 - viewed 763 times.)
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Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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« Reply #2283 on: January 27, 2025, 09:13:26 AM »

That's an extended trailer for the Fairport @ Forty DVD...

The year they tried to make "Best Wishes" the new "Meet On The Ledge".
Lovely song as it is, nothing against it, but the audience basically said, "We're quite happy with the old Meet On The Ledge, thank you."
Not sure if they've played it since 2007...

Except it's not really, is it - as the DVD which I have came out after the Fairport@Forty DVD and neither the content nor the cover actually mention that DVD at all (this is all very Fairport so far, isn't it).

It is however an edit of it, and presumably one intended as a sampler for the festival to be sent out to, who, I've not quite worked that out yet?

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Dan O.
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« Reply #2284 on: January 27, 2025, 09:53:35 AM »

That's an extended trailer for the Fairport @ Forty DVD...

The year they tried to make "Best Wishes" the new "Meet On The Ledge".
Lovely song as it is, nothing against it, but the audience basically said, "We're quite happy with the old Meet On The Ledge, thank you."
Not sure if they've played it since 2007...

Except it's not really, is it - as the DVD which I have came out after the Fairport@Forty DVD and neither the content nor the cover actually mention that DVD at all (this is all very Fairport so far, isn't it).

It is however an edit of it, and presumably one intended as a sampler for the festival to be sent out to, who, I've not quite worked that out yet?

Ok, rephrasing that slightly, it's a promo sampler DVD that uses the same 2007 Cropredy footage as Fairport @ Forty...  Smiley
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« Reply #2285 on: January 27, 2025, 10:51:04 AM »

yes i was about to post exactly the same.

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« Reply #2286 on: January 27, 2025, 05:04:14 PM »

That's an extended trailer for the Fairport @ Forty DVD...

The year they tried to make "Best Wishes" the new "Meet On The Ledge".
Lovely song as it is, nothing against it, but the audience basically said, "We're quite happy with the old Meet On The Ledge, thank you."
Not sure if they've played it since 2007...

Except it's not really, is it - as the DVD which I have came out after the Fairport@Forty DVD and neither the content nor the cover actually mention that DVD at all (this is all very Fairport so far, isn't it).

It is however an edit of it, and presumably one intended as a sampler for the festival to be sent out to, who, I've not quite worked that out yet?

Ok, rephrasing that slightly, it's a promo sampler DVD that uses the same 2007 Cropredy footage as Fairport @ Forty...  Smiley

I haven't watched the video since 2008, but I recall a number of American accents among the interviewees. A disproportionate number of them were part of Nancy Covey's Festival Tour. (Mrs. J From A and I were not interviewed,  alas.) It gives the impression of an international festival, which is ironic because I didn't meet any Americans that weekend other than members of our tour group.
GubGub (Al)
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« Reply #2287 on: February 10, 2025, 12:23:47 PM »

I was ruminating in a different thread about the likelihood or lack thereof of there ever being another Fairport studio album and upon checking I discovered this is the longest gap between studio albums since the period between Tipplers Tales (1978) and Gladys' Leap (1985).  Shocked The band didn't actually exist at that time, though there has of course been quite a lot of upheaval in the last five years too.
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« Reply #2288 on: February 10, 2025, 12:44:09 PM »

Yes, the last album came out just before Covid, and I think the launch tour got interrupted by that.  So once touring restarted they were plugging Shuffle and Go for a good two years (I imagine they had large stocks of the album they wanted/needed to shift).  

But it is true that we haven't had a sniff of there being a new album for a while.  Let's hope this isn't the way the world ends ("not with a bang, but a whimper"), and that we get at least one more before they call it a day. But maybe after last year's Cropredy, and the fact that we only just have a festival this year, by all accounts, money is in short supply, and they are waiting to at least see how Cropredy does this year before making any more decisions that involve a large outlay?

All the diamonds in the world
That mean anything to me,
Are conjured up by wind and sunlight
Sparkling on the sea
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GubGub (Al)
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« Reply #2289 on: February 10, 2025, 01:42:09 PM »

Yes, the last album came out just before Covid, and I think the launch tour got interrupted by that.  So once touring restarted they were plugging Shuffle and Go for a good two years (I imagine they had large stocks of the album they wanted/needed to shift).  

But it is true that we haven't had a sniff of there being a new album for a while.  Let's hope this isn't the way the world ends ("not with a bang, but a whimper"), and that we get at least one more before they call it a day. But maybe after last year's Cropredy, and the fact that we only just have a festival this year, by all accounts, money is in short supply, and they are waiting to at least see how Cropredy does this year before making any more decisions that involve a large outlay?

Yes, my own view is that there just isn't a way to make most of this stuff pay anymore and they are no longer in a position to absorb recording costs from other income streams.

I was at the Canterbury show of the Wintour in in February 2020 about three weeks before lockdown. Somebody was taken ill during the first set and they had to stop the show and clear the auditorium while they were treated and eventually taken out. There was significant coughing beforehand and I have always wondered whether that was our first real exposure to Covid. I think the tour did complete, just about that was the band's last activity for about 18 months I think. Glad they managed to get through that one or I would never have heard the fabulous Smith & Brewer.
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« Reply #2290 on: February 10, 2025, 06:46:36 PM »

Now with DM occupying the drum throne once more, I hope they create some new material for a studio album.
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Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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« Reply #2291 on: February 10, 2025, 06:47:41 PM »

Now with DM occupying the drum throne once more, I hope they create some new material for a studio album.

Except he's not though really is he...he's very much Winter tour plus Cropredy...and he lives in the US, so...?

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GubGub (Al)
and that is where it gets a bit cheesy
Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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« Reply #2292 on: February 10, 2025, 07:55:56 PM »

Now with DM occupying the drum throne once more, I hope they create some new material for a studio album.

Except he's not though really is he...he's very much Winter tour plus Cropredy...and he lives in the US, so...?

Well, that in itself would not be a deal breaker. They have made an album remotely before with everybody recording their parts separately in their own studios. Either Myths & Heroes or By Popular Request. I can't remember which.  Indeed DM added his drums to the lockdown recording of Meet On The Ledge from his home studio.  I don't think that would be the primary reason for it not happening but I still suspect that it won't.
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« Reply #2293 on: February 10, 2025, 11:56:20 PM »

Yes, the last album came out just before Covid, and I think the launch tour got interrupted by that.  So once touring restarted they were plugging Shuffle and Go for a good two years (I imagine they had large stocks of the album they wanted/needed to shift).  

But it is true that we haven't had a sniff of there being a new album for a while.  Let's hope this isn't the way the world ends ("not with a bang, but a whimper"), and that we get at least one more before they call it a day. But maybe after last year's Cropredy, and the fact that we only just have a festival this year, by all accounts, money is in short supply, and they are waiting to at least see how Cropredy does this year before making any more decisions that involve a large outlay?

I was at the Canterbury show of the Wintour in in February 2020 about three weeks before lockdown. Somebody was taken ill during the first set and they had to stop the show and clear the auditorium while they were treated and eventually taken out. There was significant coughing beforehand and I have always wondered whether that was our first real exposure to Covid.

I was at that show and I remember it well. If I recall there were whisperings of this “new coronavirus” as we were calling it then, but no one I knew was taking it seriously yet. It was probably only a week or so before the panic buying and excessive hand washing started.

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« Reply #2294 on: February 11, 2025, 08:30:55 AM »

Either Myths & Heroes or By Popular Request. I can't remember which.  Indeed DM added his drums to the lockdown recording of Meet On The Ledge from his home studio.

Case closed  Wink Grin

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a better way to put it
Folkcorp Guru 2nd Dan
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« Reply #2295 on: February 11, 2025, 10:16:25 AM »

Yes, the last album came out just before Covid, and I think the launch tour got interrupted by that.  So once touring restarted they were plugging Shuffle and Go for a good two years (I imagine they had large stocks of the album they wanted/needed to shift).  

But it is true that we haven't had a sniff of there being a new album for a while.  Let's hope this isn't the way the world ends ("not with a bang, but a whimper"), and that we get at least one more before they call it a day. But maybe after last year's Cropredy, and the fact that we only just have a festival this year, by all accounts, money is in short supply, and they are waiting to at least see how Cropredy does this year before making any more decisions that involve a large outlay?

There's always the Crowdfunder option. I made a donation to Janice Burns & Jon Doran's latest release and they ended up with enough cash to pay other musicians to play on the record. I suppose it's different being a duo rather than a 5 piece band but I'm sure Fairport fans would contribute enough to cover studio costs and so on.


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« Reply #2296 on: February 11, 2025, 11:32:04 AM »


I'm sure Fairport fans would contribute enough to cover studio costs and so on.

Are you? Are you really?

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« Reply #2297 on: February 11, 2025, 12:19:23 PM »


I'm sure Fairport fans would contribute enough to cover studio costs and so on.

Are you? Are you really?

I suspect they might raise enough to pay for the project, but I very much doubt that would include any meaningful profit.

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a better way to put it
Folkcorp Guru 2nd Dan
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« Reply #2298 on: February 11, 2025, 12:33:41 PM »


I'm sure Fairport fans would contribute enough to cover studio costs and so on.

Are you? Are you really?

Okay, I'll change that to "hopefully they would contribute enough to get the project off the ground."

But I get the impression that this is the way things are going for many musicians. Gone are the days of record company advances (unless you're a big name) and instead bands will have to to ask for fans to pay upfront to help cover the costs of new recordings.

There may not be much profit in it but selling new material on Bandcamp or wherever is still a hellava lot better than relying on streaming platforms.

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Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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« Reply #2299 on: February 12, 2025, 04:31:42 PM »

Has anybody got a genuine Cropredy 1984 t-shirt to hand?  Could you show me the label please?  Either here or davidmjs at gmail dot com

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