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Author Topic: New Fairport CD  (Read 211684 times)
Swedes stun easily
Folkcorp Guru
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« Reply #240 on: February 01, 2017, 04:25:32 PM »

I feel I agree with most of what' s been said about the New album. Maybe my old Heroes as a band and me as a fan and listener are too much stuck in The Comfort Zone. How much I have loved Portmerion over the years, another version on a New offering from my band was not what I longed for most.
Having bought our Saturday tickets today, I will Love going back to Cropredy once again but it will only be three tracks from this CD that I would want to be played from that stage in August: John Condon - Beautiful melody and a gripping theme - Step by Step - I like the lyrics, in Love as I am   Cool  and a blistering Danny Jack' s Reward with horns. But it will still be my band, we have that long history together. Ric-Full Gerry-Full Simon-Full Peggy-Full Chris-Full

" -Just a roll, just a roll..."

" -I was 16 now and full of life..."
hendo (Dave)
Ziggy's tonsorialist-in-law
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The 'unobtrusive percussionist'

« Reply #241 on: February 02, 2017, 08:25:40 PM »

Right i've listened to the new cd so i can now have an informed view of it.
The live tracks are all pretty superfluous,not adding anything to the
versions already out there. The Plant track is ok but not much more.
     Chris's original songs are, still i think' more suited to his solo work
varying as they do from toe curling (devils work,our bus, summer by the cherwell) to decent (Eleanors dream)
 it smacks of a rush job, they needed a new record out for the wintour so padded a few new songs out with
old material.
  Yes its well played, we are all aware of their musical chops but it just feels empty
sorry that's as positive as i can be about it.
Yet again i feel disappointed by another FC release, i really want them to do a great record again but it just
isn't happening for me anymore.

I haven't got album but I read somewhere(!) that Summer by the Cherwell is written by PJ Wright, very much in the style of Chris.
Klaatu barada nikto
Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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« Reply #242 on: February 02, 2017, 08:54:01 PM »

Right i've listened to the new cd so i can now have an informed view of it.
The live tracks are all pretty superfluous,not adding anything to the
versions already out there. The Plant track is ok but not much more.
     Chris's original songs are, still i think' more suited to his solo work
varying as they do from toe curling (devils work,our bus, summer by the cherwell) to decent (Eleanors dream)
 it smacks of a rush job, they needed a new record out for the wintour so padded a few new songs out with
old material.
  Yes its well played, we are all aware of their musical chops but it just feels empty
sorry that's as positive as i can be about it.
Yet again i feel disappointed by another FC release, i really want them to do a great record again but it just
isn't happening for me anymore.

I haven't got album but I read somewhere(!) that Summer by the Cherwell is written by PJ Wright, very much in the style of Chris.

yes, you are quite correct, my mistake i hadn't looked at the songwriting credits

The Dude abides
hendo (Dave)
Ziggy's tonsorialist-in-law
Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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The 'unobtrusive percussionist'

« Reply #243 on: February 03, 2017, 08:45:53 AM »

Right i've listened to the new cd so i can now have an informed view of it.
The live tracks are all pretty superfluous,not adding anything to the
versions already out there. The Plant track is ok but not much more.
     Chris's original songs are, still i think' more suited to his solo work
varying as they do from toe curling (devils work,our bus, summer by the cherwell) to decent (Eleanors dream)
 it smacks of a rush job, they needed a new record out for the wintour so padded a few new songs out with
old material.
  Yes its well played, we are all aware of their musical chops but it just feels empty
sorry that's as positive as i can be about it.
Yet again i feel disappointed by another FC release, i really want them to do a great record again but it just
isn't happening for me anymore.

I haven't got album but I read somewhere(!) that Summer by the Cherwell is written by PJ Wright, very much in the style of Chris.

yes, you are quite correct, my mistake i hadn't looked at the songwriting credits

Soz Jim. Wasn't scoring points. I was just a bit sad that PJ was writing in that style.
less Yes than I probably should do
Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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« Reply #244 on: February 03, 2017, 08:56:11 AM »

Soz Jim. Wasn't scoring points. I was just a bit sad that PJ was writing in that style.

Maybe, after years of us wanting him in the role, he really does want the gig after all...

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Klaatu barada nikto
Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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« Reply #245 on: February 03, 2017, 10:06:37 AM »

Soz Jim. Wasn't scoring points. I was just a bit sad that PJ was writing in that style.

Maybe, after years of us wanting him in the role, he really does want the gig after all...

ah, but they wont want to split the take 6 ways

The Dude abides
Harbottle (Martin)
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« Reply #246 on: February 04, 2017, 07:47:02 PM »

I had this on in the car for most the week for the commute. It's OK. The opening track is almost folk rock, and the live tracks are enjoyable. I can't actually remember the new tracks, although the one about the bus was pretty... bad.


"Nothing, like something, happens anywhere." - Philip Larkin
hendo (Dave)
Ziggy's tonsorialist-in-law
Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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The 'unobtrusive percussionist'

« Reply #247 on: February 04, 2017, 10:00:23 PM »

I had this on in the car for most the week for the commute. It's OK. The opening track is almost folk rock, and the live tracks are enjoyable. I can't actually remember the new tracks, although the one about the bus was pretty... bad.

I know I have been told to be positive and supportive ....but......
We are celebrating 50 years of the creators of Folk Rock..
To hear the album described as having one track that is 'almost folk rock.' is very sad to me and really damning with faint praise.
Henry Tompkins (Pete)
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« Reply #248 on: February 05, 2017, 08:05:50 AM »

I had this on in the car for most the week for the commute. It's OK. The opening track is almost folk rock, and the live tracks are enjoyable. I can't actually remember the new tracks, although the one about the bus was pretty... bad.

I know I have been told to be positive and supportive ....but......
We are celebrating 50 years of the creators of Folk Rock..
To hear the album described as having one track that is 'almost folk rock.' is very sad to me and really damning with faint praise.

I agree with that statement wholeheartedly Dave, but surely the title 'Creators of Folk Rock' belongs to The Byrds?  Smiley

No Left Turn Unstoned
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Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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« Reply #249 on: February 05, 2017, 08:44:47 AM »

I had this on in the car for most the week for the commute. It's OK. The opening track is almost folk rock, and the live tracks are enjoyable. I can't actually remember the new tracks, although the one about the bus was pretty... bad.

I know I have been told to be positive and supportive ....but......
We are celebrating 50 years of the creators of Folk Rock..
To hear the album described as having one track that is 'almost folk rock.' is very sad to me and really damning with faint praise.

Add an 'English' in there if it makes you feel better.  Can't raise a smile myself, mind.  I'm even feeling pretty gloomy about the May gig.

I agree with that statement wholeheartedly Dave, but surely the title 'Creators of Folk Rock' belongs to The Byrds?  Smiley

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hendo (Dave)
Ziggy's tonsorialist-in-law
Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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The 'unobtrusive percussionist'

« Reply #250 on: February 05, 2017, 09:32:48 AM »

I had this on in the car for most the week for the commute. It's OK. The opening track is almost folk rock, and the live tracks are enjoyable. I can't actually remember the new tracks, although the one about the bus was pretty... bad.

I know I have been told to be positive and supportive ....but......
We are celebrating 50 years of the creators of Folk Rock..
To hear the album described as having one track that is 'almost folk rock.' is very sad to me and really damning with faint praise.

I agree with that statement wholeheartedly Dave, but surely the title 'Creators of Folk Rock' belongs to The Byrds?  Smiley

Alternative Fact!
something about the grinding beat
Folkcorp Guru
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An Sasanach is fearr in Eirinn

« Reply #251 on: February 05, 2017, 10:17:10 AM »

British traditional folk rock...

One boxing match - what's that? A bout?
Henry Tompkins (Pete)
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One man gathers what another man spills

« Reply #252 on: February 05, 2017, 10:27:52 AM »

British traditional folk rock...

This from The Byrds third album recorded between January and May 1966.
Nobody could deny that this isn't folk rock, at least 2 years before FC's first album.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2017, 10:47:54 AM by Henry Tompkins (Pete) » Logged

No Left Turn Unstoned
less Yes than I probably should do
Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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« Reply #253 on: February 05, 2017, 10:43:05 AM »

Why are we so scared of saying 'English' these days?

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something about the grinding beat
Folkcorp Guru
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An Sasanach is fearr in Eirinn

« Reply #254 on: February 05, 2017, 11:11:54 AM »

I'm not a bit scared of saying English - but a fair portion of it has strong Scottish roots. (Tam Lin, for a start)...

One boxing match - what's that? A bout?
Well Moderated? Call 0800....
Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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« Reply #255 on: February 05, 2017, 02:18:22 PM »

I think we've agreed on a suitable musicaldescription for them these days back up the thread, which I pretty much agree with.

From a personal point of view, all the comparing to the old band each time there's something new comes along is getting quite tiresome. In this line-up, I think we've agreed they'll not revert to the old style, so simply repeating your comparison/dislike etc is a little pointless? Just repetively saying you prefer the old?...come on, there must be something new to say?

something about the grinding beat
Folkcorp Guru
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An Sasanach is fearr in Eirinn

« Reply #256 on: February 05, 2017, 03:05:42 PM »

We were discussing what genre they created originally - not quite the same....

One boxing match - what's that? A bout?
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« Reply #257 on: February 05, 2017, 03:41:31 PM »

British traditional folk rock...

This from The Byrds third album recorded between January and May 1966.
Nobody could deny that this isn't folk rock, at least 2 years before FC's first album.

Yes. And from the same album this old song. Scottish, I think.
Henry Tompkins (Pete)
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Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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One man gathers what another man spills

« Reply #258 on: February 05, 2017, 05:53:21 PM »

British traditional folk rock...

This from The Byrds third album recorded between January and May 1966.
Nobody could deny that this isn't folk rock, at least 2 years before FC's first album.

Yes. And from the same album this old song. Scottish, I think.

Correct, my Swedish pal!  Wink

No Left Turn Unstoned
David W
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Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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Cropredy 2018

« Reply #259 on: February 05, 2017, 08:19:12 PM »

...come on, there must be something new to say?j

Is something I would say to the band!

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