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Author Topic: Cropredy 2018 - Turns and Tickets  (Read 394645 times)
Tony Mc
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« Reply #380 on: February 18, 2018, 12:39:43 PM »

Never announce you finished your bucket list - just in case him upstairs is listening. I choose to extend mine just before I get to the last few acts. I'm going to do Cropredy based on what ive heard about it so far and because my son is living near London on a narrowboat and I've just spotted whilst doing my research that it's accessible by boat! If RT wants to turn up and tick another off my list then that's a bonus. The whole thing sounds great, albeit slightly bonkers (my sons just sent a YouTube clip of morris dancers rocking it?!)
I'M IN ��

Go early if planning on staying in the boat, it gets very busy. Most people arrive a few days early to get a mooring. They do double park though which is nice. there is a new marina but I don't know how you go about booking in there. Don't just arrive on the day and be disappointed!

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bassline (Mike)
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« Reply #381 on: February 18, 2018, 12:54:25 PM »

Never announce you finished your bucket list - just in case him upstairs is listening. I choose to extend mine just before I get to the last few acts. I'm going to do Cropredy based on what ive heard about it so far and because my son is living near London on a narrowboat and I've just spotted whilst doing my research that it's accessible by boat! If RT wants to turn up and tick another off my list then that's a bonus. The whole thing sounds great, albeit slightly bonkers (my sons just sent a YouTube clip of morris dancers rocking it?!)
I'M IN 👍

Him upstairs has taken a different approach...
'Think you've finished do you ?' Have some Kate Bush then....
On the way to see Kate, I was talking to the bloke I met at work, who, by coincidence, had also been to the last few gigs that were on my list, and couldn't get a Kate ticket. As I had two, I offered to sell him one. He offered to drive.
On the way, we talked about Kate, Sandy, Fairport and Cropredy.
He said he'd been thinking about going that year.
I told him why he should go, including meeting your fave artists - except I'd missed meeting Steve Hackett that year.
At this point he pulled into a service station for a pee break.
I had a ciggy first, then went in.
On his way out of the gents as I was walking in ?
Steve Hackett.
Yay !

Well I never did..
blazzawazzada brortewtomay
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« Reply #382 on: February 18, 2018, 01:14:28 PM »

 That's a rock'n'roll life, Mike!  Cheesy

The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science." Albert Einstein
Tony Mc
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« Reply #383 on: February 18, 2018, 01:46:23 PM »

I bumped into Ritchie Sambora (Bon Jovi) coming out of the gents at a Holiday Inn near Watford. They had just returned from playing an ad hoc performance at Covent Garden to passers by. Hope he had washed his hands! Best thing about Cropredy is bumping into the 'stars' around the village when they are just normal human beings. I once chatted to Maddie Prior at the car boot fair thumbing through an old clothes rail.

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« Reply #384 on: February 18, 2018, 02:44:32 PM »

Does the cricket match still take place on Sunday?
Bingers (Chris)
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« Reply #385 on: February 18, 2018, 02:52:43 PM »

I bumped into Ritchie Sambora (Bon Jovi) coming out of the gents at a Holiday Inn near Watford. They had just returned from playing an ad hoc performance at Covent Garden to passers by. Hope he had washed his hands! Best thing about Cropredy is bumping into the 'stars' around the village when they are just normal human beings. I once chatted to Maddie Prior at the car boot fair thumbing through an old clothes rail.

After working over 35 years in London including the West End, I’m sure I must have seen loads of ‘famous’ people but I can never recognise anybody out of their familiar setting!  Cool

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« Reply #386 on: February 18, 2018, 04:20:00 PM »

I think we'll be extremely lucky if RT shows at all this year, after the RT fest we got last year.

Yes, the cricket match on Sunday pm still happens, subject to weather.

hendo (Dave)
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« Reply #387 on: February 18, 2018, 06:12:29 PM »

RT electric trio at Shrewsbury folk fest.
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Errrr....where's me beer?

« Reply #388 on: February 18, 2018, 06:39:04 PM »

And Towersey I think

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« Reply #389 on: February 18, 2018, 09:02:07 PM »

And Wickham!

In the words of the Zen Master " Don't just do something, sit there"
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Errrr....where's me beer?

« Reply #390 on: February 18, 2018, 09:59:44 PM »

Which one'sthat? Nothing yet on her website

Hi Chris, Vikki has a ' Back to Blighty Tour' in May, June , July , August this year.
She has put it on her f book page but as you say it is not showing on her website
The festival is Woodfest in Northants.

Just spotted that date on her website is Wednesday July 11 - so its there, just with the wrong date!

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« Reply #391 on: February 19, 2018, 11:09:13 PM »

Never announce you finished your bucket list - just in case him upstairs is listening. I choose to extend mine just before I get to the last few acts. I'm going to do Cropredy based on what ive heard about it so far and because my son is living near London on a narrowboat and I've just spotted whilst doing my research that it's accessible by boat! If RT wants to turn up and tick another off my list then that's a bonus. The whole thing sounds great, albeit slightly bonkers (my sons just sent a YouTube clip of morris dancers rocking it?!)
I'M IN ��

Go early if planning on staying in the boat, it gets very busy. Most people arrive a few days early to get a mooring. They do double park though which is nice. there is a new marina but I don't know how you go about booking in there. Don't just arrive on the day and be disappointed!

The marina checks in advance which moorers will not be there, and then let out their berths. It should be advertised on their website.



Peter H-K
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« Reply #392 on: February 20, 2018, 07:19:50 AM »

And Wickham!

Yeah. There are quite a few days between the listed dates. I wonder if we can hope for more gigs to be announced?
Bingers (Chris)
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« Reply #393 on: February 20, 2018, 08:51:47 AM »

To sum up Cropredy 2018 to date....not including the usual FC Saturday night set or FC Acoustic or the YFA winners, we have just 1 act announced for the Thursday, 4 acts announced for Friday and 6 acts announced for Saturday so still plenty to come and I hope we find out soon!!!

Born to Run (but not very fast)
Bridgwit (Bridget)
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« Reply #394 on: February 20, 2018, 10:36:59 AM »

To sum up Cropredy 2018 to date....not including the usual FC Saturday night set or FC Acoustic or the YFA winners, we have just 1 act announced for the Thursday, 4 acts announced for Friday and 6 acts announced for Saturday so still plenty to come and I hope we find out soon!!!
hear, hear!

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Wandering Steve
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« Reply #395 on: February 20, 2018, 11:51:04 AM »

To sum up Cropredy 2018 to date....not including the usual FC Saturday night set or FC Acoustic or the YFA winners, we have just 1 act announced for the Thursday, 4 acts announced for Friday and 6 acts announced for Saturday so still plenty to come and I hope we find out soon!!!
hear, hear!

It’s actually financial suicide.
We are approaching March and as I understand it you can’t buy tickets at the present time.
If there are casual attendees I’d hazard a guess they will be looking to buy tickets for other festivals that are currently on sale with the line ups announced.
I hate to say it but we are nearing the point where the main ticket selling slot( the Thursday headliner) will actually need to be stellar to avoid poor sales this year.
Not that I think the acts announced so far are poor,far from it but I do know of two regular attendees who have spent their cash elsewhere this year as they were tempted by another festival instead.
David W
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Cropredy 2018

« Reply #396 on: February 20, 2018, 12:22:26 PM »

We are approaching March and as I understand it you can’t buy tickets at the present time.

If there are casual attendees I’d hazard a guess they will be looking to buy tickets for other festivals that are currently on sale with the line ups announced.
I hate to say it but we are nearing the point where the main ticket selling slot( the Thursday headliner) will actually need to be stellar to avoid poor sales this year.
Not that I think the acts announced so far are poor,far from it but I do know of two regular attendees who have spent their cash elsewhere this year as they were tempted by another festival instead.

You understand wrong - earlybird tickets are not available now but full price tickets are readily available.

Bingers (Chris)
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« Reply #397 on: February 20, 2018, 01:19:44 PM »

We are approaching March and as I understand it you can’t buy tickets at the present time.

If there are casual attendees I’d hazard a guess they will be looking to buy tickets for other festivals that are currently on sale with the line ups announced.
I hate to say it but we are nearing the point where the main ticket selling slot( the Thursday headliner) will actually need to be stellar to avoid poor sales this year.
Not that I think the acts announced so far are poor,far from it but I do know of two regular attendees who have spent their cash elsewhere this year as they were tempted by another festival instead.

You understand wrong - earlybird tickets are not available now but full price tickets are readily available.


Yeah but Steve’s point is very valid in this day and age. Money’s tight and if you know who you are going to see, you’re more likely to spend your cash for that festival rather than take a punt on a festival where you could end up seeing acts you can’t stand....just saying

Born to Run (but not very fast)
Bridgwit (Bridget)
I had a feeling there would be stripping involved
Folkcorp Guru 3rd Dan
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« Reply #398 on: February 20, 2018, 02:11:07 PM »

We are approaching March and as I understand it you can’t buy tickets at the present time.

If there are casual attendees I’d hazard a guess they will be looking to buy tickets for other festivals that are currently on sale with the line ups announced.
I hate to say it but we are nearing the point where the main ticket selling slot( the Thursday headliner) will actually need to be stellar to avoid poor sales this year.
Not that I think the acts announced so far are poor,far from it but I do know of two regular attendees who have spent their cash elsewhere this year as they were tempted by another festival instead.

You understand wrong - earlybird tickets are not available now but full price tickets are readily available.

Yeah but Steve’s point is very valid in this day and age. Money’s tight and if you know who you are going to see, you’re more likely to spend your cash for that festival rather than take a punt on a festival where you could end up seeing acts you can’t stand....just saying
We bought ours before Christmas but had we left it until now we would be seriously tempted to look at other festivals. There are a few with brilliant line-ups this year - and they've announced their full line-ups. Come on FC! GET ON WITH IT!  Grin

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« Reply #399 on: February 20, 2018, 02:16:04 PM »

i rather get the feeling that the boat is not being pushed out for this years Cropredy.
Unless an Alice Cooper type megastar is being difficult, it looks to me like the headliners for all 3 nights are done, dusted and already announced

The Dude abides
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