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Author Topic: Incorrect Cropredy line-ups  (Read 8722 times)
Keith E Rice
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"It's's only witchcraft!"

« on: May 19, 2018, 02:58:52 PM »

Just relistening to THE QUIET JOYS OF BROTHERHOOD 2fer from 2004 - a selection from the 86 and 87 shows. Thinking how wonderful it was when Fairport didn't feel the need to parade the 'correct' line-up for the each song. But ex-members would join in - obviously at least partially rehearsed on - all kinds of things that they had never been on at the time the number was originally recorded.

I mean...Jerry playing crunchy rhythm with a little flash of second lead here and there behind Richard on 'Time Will Show The Wiser'...Jerry and Richard sparring with Ric in turn on 'Hand Of Kindness' while Maart holds it all together with that sinewy organ lead.

Wonderfully innovative stuff that really allows these guys to show what world class players they are. A lot more interesting IMHO than the correct line-up trying to recreate the studio number as closely as possible.

I don't suppose they're ever going to go back to such risky formats...but it was a little golden era of Fantastic Fairport.

'KNOWING ME, KNOWING YOU: an Integrated SocioPsychology Guide to Personal Fulfilment & Better Relationships'  ISBN 1-4120-8291-9 (Trafford Publishing, 2006)
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« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2018, 01:18:07 AM »

Just relistening to THE QUIET JOYS OF BROTHERHOOD 2fer from 2004 - a selection from the 86 and 87 shows. Thinking how wonderful it was when Fairport didn't feel the need to parade the 'correct' line-up for the each song. But ex-members would join in - obviously at least partially rehearsed on - all kinds of things that they had never been on at the time the number was originally recorded.

I mean...Jerry playing crunchy rhythm with a little flash of second lead here and there behind Richard on 'Time Will Show The Wiser'...Jerry and Richard sparring with Ric in turn on 'Hand Of Kindness' while Maart holds it all together with that sinewy organ lead.

Wonderfully innovative stuff that really allows these guys to show what world class players they are. A lot more interesting IMHO than the correct line-up trying to recreate the studio number as closely as possible.

I don't suppose they're ever going to go back to such risky formats...but it was a little golden era of Fantastic Fairport.

Interesting point. However, Jerry and Ric are not on that version of Hand Of Kindness. That version was filmed and included on the It All Comes 'Round Again documentary. Simon, Peggy, DM and Maart do along with Richard of course.

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« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2018, 02:23:04 AM »

This is in only my opinion and with no evidence whatsoever a symptom of a trend in music to play it safe in general, wouldn't want the punter to walk away, and with the falling revenue it seems for recording who can blame the artist.

Gone are the days of experimentation by larger bands.

Things change all the time, and they'll probably never be the same again. It's just the natural evolution of the human condition. Guy Clark
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I can't read the lines, let alone in-between!

« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2018, 09:23:18 PM »

I guess Maart has kinda filled that void in recent years, last year he joined them on stage for The Hexhamshire Lass, Dirty Linen, Rising for the Moon and a few others that are not from his era.

Mortlake "Obsidian Mirror" streaming now.
Keith E Rice
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"It's's only witchcraft!"

« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2018, 11:25:26 AM »

Sorry, RobertD, I meant 'Shame Of Doing Wrong'.

Ric's violin is all over it, with the extended echo effect he used at the time. The first 2 guitar breaks are a bit low in the mix - not a good mix, Peggy! - but sure sound like Jerry to me. Richard very distinctively and mucb higher in the mix does the third and fourth guitar breaks.

'KNOWING ME, KNOWING YOU: an Integrated SocioPsychology Guide to Personal Fulfilment & Better Relationships'  ISBN 1-4120-8291-9 (Trafford Publishing, 2006)
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« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2018, 07:56:03 PM »

I agree with the sentiment overall, but not with the "trying to recreate the studio number as closely as possible" per se.
Listening to the first few songs on "What We Did On Our Saturday"* I noticed that RT avoids just playing the same chords as he did before.
That must count for something.
Might be not as adventurous, but these smaller differences are very enjoyable too!
(*Yes, I know that it includes songs not on an original studio album)
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