the setlist is getting repetitive when they've such a vast back catalogue to dip into
I did think the same during the set Stephen... appreciating it was a 50+2 year anniversary last year when they played "Full House" but I did wonder if they _could_ pick an album a year and play that as a "first half". Push comes to shove its a 2.5 hour set - they could play TWO albums plus the traditional openers and closers! :-)
and FTR - I did really enjoy the set this year. But Stephen's point above is well made and reasonably valid - Matty Groves started just after 2330 this year so in some ways its just a 2 hour set (less "Walkawhile" at the start!)
A chum that comes with us every year and who we would not be without, doesnt do FC at all (he LOVED Level 42 the other year ;-) ) was overheard this year saying "I knew they'd start with "Walk the line"